Santa Fe’s best comedy group. Also Santa Fe’s only comedy group.

way·ward: adj.- difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse behavior

Come laugh with and/or at us! We are not picky!

“You could do a lot worse.” —Santa Fe Reporter



When: 8 p.m. every Wednesday

Where: Chile Line Brewery

What: Stand-up comedy, skits, goofs, laughs, yuks and other assorted shenanigans

Who: All your local favorites, the occasional ~interesting~ stranger and Ryan Lawless

Why: Is the writing all over this guy’s face? Because we don’t have a web editor or really any skills at all but we’re doing our best OK? Don’t hassle us


Wayward Comedy showcase: Aug.7

Featuring Isabel Madley, Evan Galpert, Phil Johnson,
T.J. Jones, Tripp Stelnicki and Corey Herrera
Video by T.J. Jones


Wayward Comedy showcase: Sept. 11

Featuring Tripp Stelnicki, T.J. Jones, Isabel Madley, Phil Johnson,
Ryan Lawless, Carla Vasquez and Nick Pelton
Video by T.J. Jones


Wayward Comedy showcase: Oct. 9

Featuring Meg Specksgoor, Felix Cordova, Evan Galpert, Nick Pelton,
Sam Alvarado and Tyler Lovely